Simple Present

Para uma comunicação eficaz e fluente em uma língua estrangeira é necessário saber quando e como usar cada tempo verbal. O domínio desse tópico melhora muito a qualidade da comunicação, ou seja, é muito importante conhecê-lo para você se expressar bem em uma língua.

Aprenda abaixo as situações nas quais é usado o SIMPLE PRESENT, e depois veja a conjugação de alguns verbos. Pratique bastante os diálogos, crie seus próprios diálogos, até sentir que já domina o tema.

** Vamos trabalhar primeiro as 1ª e 2ª pessoas do singular e do plural e a 3ª pessoa do plural.

**A 3ª pessoa do singular tem um diferencial e será trabalhada separadamente, logo a seguir.



Expressar ações do dia a dia. Nesse caso, utilizamos os advérbios de frequência para complementar a informação. (Ver a Tabela de Advérbios de Frequência). Ex: I go to the gym twice a week. I never go to the gym on Sundays. Classes start at two. I don't work on Sundays.


É dizer o que você gosta ou não gosta,o que odeia, o que ama. Ex: I love pasta. I like pizza. I don't like hamburguers very much. I hate rare meat.


Verdades da ciência, da natureza,da vida. Ex: The sun sets in the west. We need water to survive. Light travels faster than sound.


Situações que ocorrerão em um futuro próximo, em um tempo ou horário pré determinado. Ex: The plane arrives at 3 pm. We fly to London on Sunday morning. The course starts next Monday.

Observe os exemplos a seguir. Veja como ocorre a comunicação no tempo presente em inglês, e depois crie seus próprios exemplos, mude os sujeitos, mude os verbos, use exemplos do seu dia a dia, de seus familiares e amigos. Assim você se familiariza com a nova língua e vai ganhando fluência.


Ann- Hi, guys. What do you like to eat?

Dan-  I like Italian food very much. I love lasagna!

Eve- I don’t like pasta very much, I prefer barbecue. I eat meat every day. What  about you, Ann?

Ann- I prefer salad and vegetables.

Ann- I go to French class twice a week. I often go by bus, sometimes I take a taxi.

Eve- I don’t study French, but I have Spanish class on Saturdays.

Dan- I prefer Portuguese. I have Portuguese classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Pat- By the way, my Japanese classes start tomorrow.

YOUR TURN – answer to Ann

Ann- What about you, my friend? What do you like to eat?

You- ……..

Ann- And do you like English? How often do you study English?

You- ……………

My name is Ann Mines, I live in the USA and I love my city, New York. I go to college in New Jersey, I study law. I like to eat salad and vegetables, but sometimes I eat pasta. I rarely eat barbecue. In my free time, I have volunteer work. I teach English to French kids, I love them! Once a year, on my vacation time, I travel to Florida to swim in their beautiful beaches.

What about you? Write to me a paragraph about yourself.

See you!

Respondeu para Ann? Muito bom !  Agora veja a seguir o comportamento do SIMPLE PRESENT na 3a Pessoa do Singular (SHE/ HE/ IT):

Have you finished? Great job! Now, let’s learn the SIMPLE PRESENT 3rd PERSON SINGULAR – HE/ SHE/ IT :

Observe o texto da Emily sobre seus avós. Veja a forma como ela usa a 3a pessoa do singular: He/ Mr.Johnson; She/ Mrs.Honey em negrito. Depois, responda as perguntas sobre o texto.

Como exercício de fixação, faça um texto semelhante sobre seus avós, ou seus pais, ou irmãos, colocando informações verdadeiras sobre essas pessoas da vida real. E lembre-se de preparar as perguntas também. Isso vai ajudar na aquisição da fluência na língua.

Read Emily’s text about her grandparents. Observe the  way she uses the simple present 3rd person singular: He/ Mr. Johnson; She/ Mrs. Honey (in bold type).

As an acquisition task, write a similar text about your own grandparents (or parents; or brothers/sisters) using true life information about them. And don’t forget to make up the questions. This will be a great help to improve your fluency in English language.

Mr. Johnson is my grandpa. I love him! He’s 80 years old and he lives in Miami, in the USA. He is from Canada, but he doesn’t like cold weather.  He loves Florida’s hot weather.

He doesn’t like vegetables, he prefers barbecue. He always goes to the steakhouse with his friends. He loves sailing, and he has a beautiful boat called “Petra”. Every vacation, I visit him in Florida.

He is divorced from my grandma, Mrs. Honey. She’s a lovely 85-year-old girl, and she lives with my family in Canada. She cooks very well. I love her lasagna and cheesecake! She helps with the chores, and in her free time, she likes to read and see movies.

There are things she dislikes: for example, she hates hot weather. She never goes to Florida, she prefers traveling to London in the winter. Also, she doesn’t like junk food very much, she rarely eats hamburgers or hot dogs.

                                                                                                                                                           Emily Johnson (student, 14 y.o)


1- Where does Mr. Johnson live? // 2-  Does he like hot weather?// 3- Does he often go to vegan restaurants?// 4- What does he have in Florida?//

5- What is his favorite sport?

Answer the questions. Then, make 05 questions about Mrs. Honey.

Após a prática, já familiarizado com a linguagem do SIMPLE PRESENT, veja a seguir a tabela de conjugação e os advérbios de frequência que são usados neste tempo verbal:

CONJUGATION TABLE (Tabela de Conjugação de verbos no Presente Simples)


"Ann works in a High School in Toronto. She loves her classes. She goes to work early in the morning, and returns in the end of the afternoon. She doesn't like the buses in the city, she prefers the subway."
"I wake up early in the morning and prepare breakfast for my family. I take my kids to school at 8:00 and then I go to the supermarket. I have two children: Maze and Tom. Maze is 7, she loves school, she likes to eat salad and chicken for lunch at school. She doesn't like hamburgers very much. Tom is 9, he loves sports, he plays soccer every day at school. For lunch, he always has a hamburger (he loves it!), he doesn't like chicken at all." "
"Jordan lives in Boston. Does he go to work by car? No, never, he likes to walk to work: he goes on foot! It is an hour walking! He and his family love camping: they go camping every weekend. His daughter Jane, loves animals. She has a bird and two dogs as pets."
"Peter loves nature. He frequently goes abroad to take photos of the most beautiful mountains in the world. Peter works for an international company and travels once a month to a distant place. He loves traveling, but he doesn’t like hotels, he prefers camping. Every trip, Peter learns something about the culture of a country, and he takes notes of everything to write a book in the future."
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