Look out for / Look over / Look up to


There are some things to look out for this night. Be careful if it starts raining strongly, stay safe, the storm can be dangerous.

(to stay vigilant)

The police department used a drone to look over the demolition site and check any victims.

(to examine sth quickly)

The old woman was an example that they looked up to.

(to respect and admire)

Phrasal Verbs são considerados difíceis porque são inumeráveis, e a única forma de dominá-los é ir  aprendendo cada um através da práticado seu uso nas falas da vida real.

Praticando a linguagem que eles representam em várias situações do cotidiano ajuda a internalizá-los no nosso vocabulário de inglês, e, logo já somos capazes de usá-los com muita naturalidade.

Let's Practice

1-  Write things we should look out for:

                     a) when swimming far from the beach.

                     b) when traveling abroad.

                      c) before a long trip by car.

2- Mention 05 things you should look over before buying a new house.

3- Mention 03 people you look up to.

Check these Examples

You should be careful and look out for cyclists when driving in small cities.

The boss will look over all the results we get.

Children look up to their parents as if they were heroes.

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